2021 Holiday Surprise

The holiday season is always special for us at Children’s Cancer Partners. We typically host a “Christmas Spectacular” in Spartanburg, SC and Raleigh, NC. There, families have the chance to visit Santa, take a horse carriage ride, have their faces painted, get a balloon animal, have lunch, and enjoy being around their family and others who are on a similar journey. It’s not surprise that COVID-19 put our “Christmas Spectacular” to a halt for not just one year, but TWO!! For the safety of our immunocompromised children, we have made the tough decision to postpone until December of 2022.

Last year we sent families a holiday surprise. The surprise consisted of a gingerbread house that our children and their families could decorate together at their home or even at the hospital. The surprise continued with a check to help our families have a joyous holiday season. We plan to do the same this year. You can see the impact from the 2020 holiday season below. Please consider giving so we can continue to bring love, support, and care to our families. Help a child’s holiday wish come true by clicking here.