Children’s Cancer Partners is thrilled to announce Lenza Jolley has joined our Development Committee.
Lenza is the Vice President of Membership and Development at the South Carolina Restaurant and Lodging Association, where she leads the Association’s membership development and partnership outreach.

Lenza has diverse business experience in hospitality, marketing, communications, and insurance. She has also worked in and supported many nonprofits. She currently serves as vice chair for the American Advertising Federation’s Council of Governors and as co-chair for the Greater Cayce West Columbia (SC) Chamber & Visitor Program’s Visitor and Tourism Committee.
A native of Spartanburg, Lenza is well aware of the impact of Children’s Cancer Partners and has expressed her excitement about joining the Development Committee.
“I’m excited for the opportunity to give back to an organization that I have seen grow in reach and impact over several years,” Lenza said. “There are so many worthy causes, but when you meet the families and the children that have been touched by cancer, you understand how even a small act of service or support can make a huge difference.”
Welcome to the committee, Lenza!