Children’s Cancer Partners of The Carolinas provides Christmas to families fighting cancer

Children’s Cancer Partners of The Carolinas provides Christmas to families fighting cancer

Posted: Dec 05, 2017 11:49 PM EST
Updated: Dec 06, 2017 12:18 AM EST
By Brandon LaVorgna

It’s been one tough battle for 4-year-old Colt Becker. He’s been taking neuroblastoma head-on for more than three years.
The Becker’s “Secret Santa,” this year has been Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas.

“This organization has been extremely helpful for us,” said Kathy Becker, “We would probably not have made it through the last year alive without them.”

Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas helps to cover the costs to help families get their child to treatment. Like Colt, he has to go all the way to New York for his treatments almost monthly.

“We’ve had to go at least a dozen times over the last 12 months,” said Mrs. Becker, “They’ve helped us with every trip and it’s been absolutely a God send.”

Laura Allen, the group’s executive director, says expenses like travel, food and lodging can add up quickly especially when the hospital bills start coming in. Usually the children can be treated in the Carolinas or Georgia, but in unique cases like Colt’s, the family must travel even farther, which just causes the costs to skyrocket.

“We partner with the families when the child is diagnosed and we get the referral from the hospital until a child turns 21,” explained Allen, “So there’s a lot that goes on through the course of those years.”

That’s why Allen along with all the volunteers made sure Santa paid a visit to Spartanburg where they held their Christmas spectacular.

“Tonight, there is no cancer,” said Allen, “Tonight is about Santa. It’s about Christmas. It’s about fun. It’s about our kids.”

A moment out of busy year the Becker family will truly cherish.

“Kids don’t know which way to go first. To be able to get that quality time with Santa, the family pictures, to be able to do crafts and all that, they’re having a blast,” said Kathy Becker.

For more information on Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas click here.