Letter to the Editor: No one budgets for cancer

Your family has been touched by cancer–I’m sure of it. Ours too, and it’s a very hard subject for us to talk about. But if ever there was a good time and a good reason, it is during September–National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

There is so much that can be done for cancer’s most precious patients, and you do not have to be a doctor or a nurse, a research scientist or a policymaker.

There is a family nearby that has just received the bitter news, “Your child has cancer.” Panic descends, life turns upside down and a long journey begins. Months of chemo or radiation, surgeries perhaps, nights and days in hospitals–countless treatment trips.

No one is prepared. Everyone needs someone to guide them through the emotional jungle, the treatment pathways. And certainly no one budgets for cancer–least of all their child’s cancer.

Some live great distances from the very few pediatric treatment centers. Some hold hourly jobs and lose work/wages whenever their child needs care. Just imagine the plight of single parents on duty 24/7/365!

We are fortunate here in the Carolinas to have an organization that reaches out to families within 24 hours, walks beside them on their terrifying journey, and fills the financial gaps so that every child has access to the best care–whether that be in New York, Houston or beyond, they make sure children get there.

This month especially, take a few minutes to visit that organization–Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas at www.childrenscancerpartners.org to learn more about the enormous challenges of childhood cancer, and what you can do to make things better.

If you are a grateful adult cancer survivor, celebrate your good fortune by helping a brave young cancer patient. They need you most.


Nene Gunn