September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month -- a month to
bring awareness to the very real journey that children and families
face when receiving a devastating diagnosis.

You can Support a Local Child!

September is a hallmark month in the pediatric cancer world. It is
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. This month is a great opportunity
to support a child or family on their journey through your gifts, talents,
and time. Here you can find many ways that you can support a local
child today who is battling cancer! This month and everyday, we
encourage you to support a child and their family on their
childhood cancer journey.

You can choose to make it a one-time gift or a recurring one as we continue to help
thousands of families in the Carolinas.
childhood cancer awareness month children's cancer partners

Who will you help today?

As we kick off Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we understand not everyone's able to give monetary donations on a recurring basis, but there are still several easy, free ways you can help give back to Children's Cancer Partners of the Carolinas!

Join in with other North and South Carolina schools and host a Kidz in Lids Day in September!

Kidz in Lids mobilizes students to show concern for other local youth who are in a life or death struggle with cancer. IT’S SIMPLE – caring kids bring a dollar to school, and get to wear their favorite hat throughout the school day.

Learn more information by clicking here or email Dr. Kim Deering to sign up today at [email protected].

Create your own fundraising page! It's easy and free to create. You can do it in just 3 steps, and it takes less than 5 minutes to set up.

Know a company or someone who might want to be a sponsor for our upcoming Docs Who Rock event? Tell them to email us at [email protected]!


We provide everyday items like toilet paper and dishwashing detergent to our families. Here's a link to our Amazon Wish List that you can share with friends or buy items to donate!

Follow us on social media and share our posts! The more people know about what we do, the more children we can help.

CCP In the News
