Letter to the editor: Pediatric cancer, a family perspective

When you become a parent, you are prepared for many things. Sleepless nights, too many diapers, too many bottles, fixing a skinned up knee. But one thing no one prepares you for–nor is there a manual–is hearing the words, “Your child has cancer.”

The Coxe Family

When our daughter was diagnosed with cancer, those very words shook our family to its core. We wondered, “What does this mean for our family?” “What does this mean for our child?” “Will she be okay?” The questions did not stop there.

But one question we never had to worry about for long was, “How will we get her to treatment?” Our family was so thankful to know of an organization that eased the burden of this question for us in a time that there were so many questions. They made sure our child was able to get to her treatments by eliminating the burden of travel related expenses. 

We are fortunate here in the Carolinas to have this organization, Children’s Cancer Partners, that reaches out to families within 24 hours, walks beside them on their terrifying journey, and fills the financial gaps so that every child has access to the best care–whether that be in New York, Houston or beyond, they make sure children get there.

Because of this organization, our daughter received the care she needed no matter how often or how far. We want more parents, like us, to know that the answer to one of their many questions lies within the resources provided by this incredible organization.

This month especially, take a few minutes to visit that organization–Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas at www.childrenscancerpartners.org to learn more about the enormous challenges of childhood cancer, and what you can do to make things better.


Brittany & Griffin Coxe