Mid 2021 Update

As we move into the middle of June, we want to reflect on how our continued progress is going to help children battling cancer throughout the Carolinas. It is staggering to see the numbers of children being diagnosed with cancer (2-3 each day in the Carolinas) but what gives us all hope is the support our superheroes receive from our community, family, and organization. The below chart shows numbers as of May 2021 and to compare we looked at the numbers for the same time last year (2020). 

 May 2021 May 2020 
Superheroes helped 1429 1068 
Different types of cancer 36 30 
Servicing Counties in SC 43 42 
Servicing Counties in NC 88 85 

It has always been our goal to never turn any child away who has a confirmed cancer diagnosis, through your support we have been successful in that goal. As you can see in the above chart, we continue to add more to our superhero family and it is that continued support through volunteers, monetary donations, and product donations that we are able to support so many superheroes.  

We are ready to take on the last half of 2021 and will be ready to stand by the side of all our superheroes and their families. We look forward to being able to gather in-person again soon with events in the fall as well as our upcoming 20th anniversary of Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas. We are all fortunate to be able to contribute to these brave children fighting for their lives. Thank you! 

Upcoming family events:
Camp Victory Fishing Rodeo, Virtual Trivia Family Night, Virtual BINGO Family Night, Camp Victory, and Camp Rachel

Upcoming CCP events:
Docs Who Rock

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