Just before turning 5 years old, Perry Coxe took a tumble when playing outside with her sister. A sharp pain and a few tears later, the pain subsided, but the next morning, the pain was back, and this time, with a fever.

Perry’s mom took her to the hospital, and after some scans, an oncologist gave the Coxe family the scariest news to hear: Perry had a tumor in her right kidney called a “Wilm’s Tumor.”

“Hearing your child has cancer is very traumatic, not only for the child and their immediate family but for extended family and their friends. The journey is a long, hard road for everyone involved. However, hearing from people their words of encouragement or even their own experience with cancer can be very uplifting to let you know you’re not in it alone,” Griffin Coxe, Perry’s Dad, said.

The family was introduced to Children’s Cancer Partners as a resource to help with unplanned expenses such as gas to and from treatment, meals while inpatient, and multiple other ways.

“They immediately wrapped their arms around our family to help us through the journey,” Griffin recalled.

Today, Perry is doing wonderfully! She finished treatment in August 2022 but will continue to have scans every three months for the next four years until she’s designated as a cancer survivor. The Coxe family decided to create their own foundation, the High Hopes Foundation, to help other families going through a similar battle and chose CCP as a recipient.

“We know firsthand the toll a pediatric cancer diagnosis has on families. No one plans for that. We want to raise money for families so they can focus on what’s most important: their child. Parents shouldn’t have to worry about their regular bills, taking time off from work, or anything else that may take their attention away from their child’s care. We’ve had incredible donors and partners like CCP to deliver on that goal,” Griffin said.

We are always so touched when a family reaches out with a note, a referral, or a gift to CCP. Knowing we’ve made an impact and helped a family during their most challenging time drives everyone at Children’s Cancer Partners every single day.
