Sunday’s letters: Docs Who Rock

Asheboro Courier TribuneMar 3, 2019

Docs Who Rock

Go for the gold! We often hear this during the Olympics. However, for children fighting cancer, “gold” is a symbol of hope. On March 9, physicians in Spartanburg County will take the inspiration from these courageous children and “go for the gold.”

Teaming with Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas (CCP) and Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System, physician-musicians (as well as a few friends) will provide hope and support through Docs Who Rock Spartanburg. The event will fill the Jerry Richardson Indoor Stadium at Wofford College with music by seven bands that feature physicians.

Our motivation is huge: Cancer is the leading cause of death, by disease, in America, claiming one in eight who are diagnosed. The odds are worse if a child lives in poverty or in rural areas. Spartanburg will experience a dozen more children diagnosed each year, joining over 150 who are battling the disease already.

The numbers are scary. Unfortunately, the cost of creating pediatric oncology in Spartanburg County is not attainable. Therefore, our families must travel for treatment. Children become “road warriors,” logging hundreds of miles for radiation or chemotherapy. Many journeys are to New York, Philadelphia or beyond for specialized treatments or clinical trials.

The toll on families is tremendous. A parent may have to leave work. While income plummets, expenses soar, leading to a rise in emotional strain in an already stressful time. Possible eviction or repossession notices create more strife. The burden on single parents is often worse.

We can help. CCP comes alongside families throughout this perilous journey, helping with travel, food, lodging and home care. If the ultimate tragedy occurs, CCP assists with final arrangements.

Please help our children! Support our Docs Who Rock event for these brave children. Come out and join! Ticket information can be found at

Jeff Cashman, president, Spartanburg County Medical Society; Peggy Pitts, president, Spartanburg County Medical Society Alliance