Superhero Spotlight: Sam

“Your child has cancer” are dreaded words for a parent to hear and the mission of Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas is to provide support through this journey and new road. The support of everyone makes our mission possible and we hope in turn eases the burden for parents of these amazing superheroes.

Today we highlight Sam, known as Spidey Sam to those close to him. Our superhero spent his days with his dog and both wearing their Spiderman gear. After experiencing frequent leg pain, it was decided x-rays and bloodwork needed to be done. On April 7th, 2020, amid the COVID-19 global pandemic, Sam was diagnosed with Pre-B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). 

In the words of Sam’s mother: “From that point on, we were thrown into the world of childhood cancer. A world where for every tear you cry, twice the amount of prayers are whispered up by loved ones. A world that is filled with ups and downs, new terminology, new rules, new medicines and procedures and unknowns and even more unknowns. A world of medical workers who have made serving children with cancer their mission in life. A world where with every setback we have faced, we have been lifted and held up by family, friends, church members, coworkers, and our community. A world where, everyday, my husband and I wish we could take Sam’s place. A world where we are no longer teaching our son, but our son is teaching us courage, determination, resilience, and grace. A world that we are not alone in. A world where we are more aware of God’s handiwork. A world that had humbled us to our knees. It feels as if we just entered this world yesterday and forever ago at the same time.”

Thank you again to all who support CCP. Whether it is through volunteer work, monetary donations and other ways your time and thoughts truly make a difference and it is stories like these that continue to drive us all to provide the support these families need.

“Your child has cancer” are dreaded words for a parent to hear and the mission of Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas is to provide support through this journey and new road. The support of everyone makes our mission possible and we hope in turn eases the burden for parents of these amazing superheroes.

Today we highlight Sam, known as Spidey Sam to those close to him. Our superhero spent his days with his dog and both wearing their Spiderman gear. After experiencing frequent leg pain, it was decided x-rays and bloodwork needed to be done. On April 7th, 2020, amid the COVID-19 global pandemic, Sam was diagnosed with Pre-B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). 

In the words of Sam’s mother: “From that point on, we were thrown into the world of childhood cancer. A world where for every tear you cry, twice the amount of prayers are whispered up by loved ones. A world that is filled with ups and downs, new terminology, new rules, new medicines and procedures and unknowns and even more unknowns. A world of medical workers who have made serving children with cancer their mission in life. A world where with every setback we have faced, we have been lifted and held up by family, friends, church members, coworkers, and our community. A world where, everyday, my husband and I wish we could take Sam’s place. A world where we are no longer teaching our son, but our son is teaching us courage, determination, resilience, and grace. A world that we are not alone in. A world where we are more aware of God’s handiwork. A world that had humbled us to our knees. It feels as if we just entered this world yesterday and forever ago at the same time.”

Thank you again to all who support CCP. Whether it is through volunteer work, monetary donations and other ways your time and thoughts truly make a difference and it is stories like these that continue to drive us all to provide the support these families need.