
More Help for Cape Fear Children Battling Cancer

Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas and Strut for Kids Announce Merger: Forming a Robust Organization to Help Children and Families Battling Cancer  Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas (CCP), a nonprofit focused on serving children battling cancer across North and South and Carolina, and Strut for Kids, a nonprofit serving greater Wilmington’s families on […]

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

No one budgets for cancer. The facts are staggering. The average individual hospital stay for pediatric cancer costs over $40,000 Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality – AHRQ). Additionally, nearly 75% of families experience loss of 50% or more of household income (National Coalition of Cancer Survivors – NCCS). Not only does childhood cancer take […]

Mission Moment: Perry Coxe

Diagnosed with Wilms tumor, a type of childhood cancer that starts in the kidneys, in September 2021, Perry was an active four year old with no medical history concerns. Perry and her sister, Bailey were outside playing when she fell. Mom, Brittany, rushed to see what was the matter when she heard Perry screaming a […]

2021 Holiday Surprise

The holiday season is always special for us at Children’s Cancer Partners. We typically host a “Christmas Spectacular” in Spartanburg, SC and Raleigh, NC. There, families have the chance to visit Santa, take a horse carriage ride, have their faces painted, get a balloon animal, have lunch, and enjoy being around their family and others […]

Superhero Spotlight: Eva

Eva is a fun loving now four year old who was diagnosed with with Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma on April 28, 2020 at the age of three. Eva and her mom traveled nearly 1,000 miles to Boston to receive radiation treatment for six weeks. Eva continues chemotherapy treatments at UNC Chapel Hill, an hour and a half from […]

An urgent message for all CCP Families, from Dr. Jaqui Jones

Now that a COVID-19 vaccine has received FULL Food & Drug Administration approval, we truly can help end the pandemic. But there has been concern, especially among minorities, that the vaccine is not safe. Can we trust it? How was it developed so quickly? Should you get it? Are you going to get it? Jaqui […]

July is Sarcoma and Bone Cancer Awareness Month

There are several types of cancers included for the month of July for awareness. The first are soft tissue sarcomas. They can appear in children in various locations. The below diagram explains it best:  Source: American Childhood Cancer Organization  Among the above sarcomas there is also osteosarcoma, Ewing’s sarcoma, and rhabdomyosarcoma. Osteosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma fall into the category of […]

Superhero Spotlight: Sam

“Your child has cancer” are dreaded words for a parent to hear and the mission of Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas is to provide support through this journey and new road. The support of everyone makes our mission possible and we hope in turn eases the burden for parents of these amazing superheroes. Today […]

Superhero Spotlight: Lillie

May is Brain Tumor Awareness Month. Children’s Cancer Partners serves 94 children battling brain cancer. Learn more here. One of Children’s Cancer Partners brain cancer Superheroes, Lillie was diagnosed two years ago. While Lillie still fights the childhood cancer battle, her story and “legend” stays strong. Below is a excerpt from an post on April […]

Retinoblastoma Awareness Week

Retinoblastoma Awareness Week is May 10, 2021 until May 16, 2021. Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas supports 40 children on their cancer journey battling Retinoblastoma. Here is a story from one of our families. Words from Alisha Trent about her daughter Zuna and their journey: When our daughter was diagnosed with retinoblastoma in October […]